

Cost recovery and compliance made easy

Meet your deadlines, budgets, and confidentiality requirements with protected, client-chargeable printing.

Papercut print management for the legal industry

See more and save more

Your printing costs can really add up if you don’t keep a close eye on everyone’s printing habits.

PaperCut gives you supreme visibility to make cost-cutting changes. See who’s printing what and how much to tighten things up at any level – be it client matter, individual, departmental, or whatever gives you the most actionable insights.

Legal print management solutions

Search and retrieve documents faster

Retrieving files quickly and reliably is crucial to staying efficient and giving your clients the best service.

PaperCut streamlines document management by integrating with popular practice management systems. Scan documents directly to relevant folders, and search and edit them with built-in OCR tech (optical character recognition).

Boost confidentiality and compliance

You need to meet strict compliance and confidentiality requirements across every business facet, every day.

PaperCut secures sensitive data to guarantee client confidence. Authorize release at the printer to reduce uncollected printouts, safeguard scans with end-to-end encryption, and protect ownership with watermarks and digital signatures.