
Ideal conditions for patients and staff.

The demands on healthcare are high: patients expect optimal treatment, high safety and quality standards, smooth processes, and a pleasant environment that promotes rapid recovery. If clinics fail to meet these criteria, occupancy rates fall. Herein lies a challenge for the management of medical facilities. Their task is to create the best possible treatment environment. This includes an attractive, comfortable ambience for patients. Above all, however, doctors and medical staff need working conditions that relieve them in their daily work and ensure the quality of their care. They should invest all their energy in the people who entrust them with their health. After all, competent and satisfied staff are the foundation of a clinic and make it attractive not only for patients but also as an employer.  

Patients also benefit from a uniform solution for user authentication and access, not only by receiving optimal care, but also by using the system’s options for themselves personally. Paying in the cafeteria, taking the elevator automatically to the right floor, using entertainment programs—everything works quite conveniently.


Print management software that solves your unique regulatory requirements

Manage all your organization’s print-related needs from a central location and ensure patient information remains private.

Printing security protects your patients records

Protect patient records with 100% confidence

With your patients’ confidentiality second only to their well-being, protecting sensitive information is critical.

Features like Secure Print Release ensure jobs are only printed when your user arrives at the print area and confirms his or her identity. Don’t know which print area or printer to send your job to? Find-Me print enables users to send their print jobs to a single print queue from their computer or device, and release their jobs from whichever printer they’re closest to, whenever they want. And if this is one of those 15-20% times a print is never released, we securely delete it.

Make printing easy with PaperCut

Make printing easy

We’ve got truckloads to offer, from industry-leading third-party integrations with EMR systems, to easy queue management with Print Deploy.

Our new Epic App Orchard integration, Mobility Print, and features like Print Deploy, are all made to make printing easier for you. Our solutions are simple to install and use – no matter your size, your printers, or the devices and operating systems your users bring to the table. Everything just works. Enable users to print from approved BYOD devices using our easy to install Mobility Print. Easily manage print drivers across complex networks with Print Deploy.

Reduce healthcare printing costs with print management

Drastically cut costs and tighten budgets

With plenty at stake, your staff have more important things to consider than the financial impact of printing.

PaperCut shrinks this impact with full visibility, tracking, and tools for change. Use cost-effective policies like duplex printing, run automatic built-in reports, and collect insightful data to install efficient printers in the heaviest use areas.


Securing Patient Health Information

For CIOs, CISOs, or CTOs in the healthcare sector, security is one of many competing priorities vying for investment. Print management can be an unlikely hero with some of the biggest wins for security leaders looking to do more with less.

Avoid misplaced and misprinted PHI with Secure Print Release. Authentication at the device is the critical step here, to ensure the system knows the correct user is genuinely at the device and to release only the documents a user has selected via the screen. The user now controls what is released and when… the when being while they’re standing there.

eople relaxing as PaperCut makes printing easy for end-users
eople relaxing as PaperCut makes printing easy for end-users


Ensure time is spent on more pressing matters

Healthcare workers are always-on “ready-to-save-lives-in-any-situation-twenty-four-seven” kind of people. As a technology professional, you need your infrastructure to match that lifestyle.

PaperCut empowers you to make printing easy for end users, whether they’re printing from a mobile device or a standard workstation. We’ve got truckloads to offer, from industry-leading third-party integrations with EMR systems like Epic, right through to easy queue management with Print Deploy.


Securing how you send information

PaperCut product UI image showing scan actions.

75% of medical communication in the U.S. today happens via fax machine. That’s right, faxing. That’s roughly 17 billion individual documents sent via fax machine. So where does PaperCut make this workflow easier?

A new scan action in PaperCut MF to allow users to send a scanned document as a fax through their preferred fax provider. We provide two options: Basic SMTP delivery or Advanced (and more secure) API driven delivery.

To learn more about getting started with Scan to Fax, cover page feature, phonebooks, multiple recipients and managing mixed fleet read our getting started with Scan to Fax KB